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12日更新.12.21: If you are using Log4j, please be aware that on December 2021年10月10日,Apache发布 [http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x /安全.html # Fixed_in_Log4j_2.15.0] 版本2.15.0 of their Log4j framework, which included a fix for CVE-2021-44228 [http://attackerkb./ topics/in9spr2bzt/cve -2021-44228],一个关键的(CVSSv3) 10) remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability affecting Apache Log4j 2.14.1, 早期版本. This is a critical vulnerability, 和 we strongly urge you t

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There are many possible definitions for the term “security policy,” but all of 它们有一些共同的元素. 安全策略应该列出什么 assets, both physical 和 digital, an organization wishes to protect. 它应该 解释什么是安全,什么是行为安全. 简而言之,是一种证券 policy identifies what assets are to be protected, what kinds of risks such protection is meant to defeat or mitigate, 和 how security can be established, 测量和监控. A

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One of the absolute, classic pieces of advice that you’ll hear when it comes to logging is what I think of as the iconic Goldilocks logging advice.  它会 像这样. When it comes to logging, you don’t want to miss anything important because 日志记录帮助您理解应用程序的行为.  但你也不想 写太多日志.  如果日志记录太多,日志将变得无用.  你想要记录 适量. 当然,这是明智的建议.  正确的? 或者,当你停下来的时候

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At some point many applications get to a state in which a large refactoring or 在某些情况下,需要进行完全的重写. 这样做的决定可以是 受多种因素影响. 例如,代码库正在快速增长 current architecture cannot support the growth, components are becoming too tightly coupled 和 需要 to be split, new 和 better technology becomes available which offers significant improvements or due to other factors the 当前的代码库没有得到维护

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我们的研讨会 [http://info.logentries.com/tableau - pluralsight logentries研讨会- 2016] 播放 & 记录于2016年6月16日. 在此期间播放Tableau Zen Master Mike Roberts of Pluralsight discussed how to develop a simple technology 堆栈用于使用logentry的下一代Tableau管理 [http://logentries.com/centralize-log-data-automatically/?le_trial=tableau_webinar_june16_recap-logentries_blog-post_cta-create_trial&utm_campaign = tableau_webinar_june16_recap&utm_source = logentr

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Monitoring SNS Activity Using a Lambda Function 和 Logentries

Amazon Web 服务 Lambda函数非常酷. Lambda函数是A feature in Amazon Web 服务 that allows you to put a discrete piece of computing logic up in The Cloud 和 then access that logic to meet a particular 需要. For example, you can create a Lambda function that takes a list of stock symbols 和 does some analysis on the list using other cloud based services in 为了建议最好的股票购买. Logentries发挥了Lambda函数的强大功能 [http://docs.rapid7.co

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Checking Active 导演y (AD) Security 和 Integrity via Log Monitoring

Because AD literally holds the keys to the kingdom for domain-based networks 和 runtime environments, it’s usually a good idea to keep a close eye on those keys, how they’re being used 和 what kinds of attacks might be directed at 他们. Monitoring AD related event logs provides one great tool in exercising due 安全诚信勤奋. 对特定的高影响事件进行警报 又提供了另一个. For over two decades now, Microsoft’s Active 导演y (AD) has provided a 强大的集

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Exploiting Zookeeper for managing processes in a production environment with Lockex

锁定并执行! 作为logentry的工程师 [http://logentries.com/centralize-log-data-automatically/?le_trial=exploiting_zookeeper-logentries_blog-post_cta-create_trial&utm_campaign = exploiting_zookeeper&utm_source = logentries_blog&utm_medium = post_cta&utm_content = create_trial] I 需要 to maintain a complex system that has requirements for being available to 我们的客户. 我们总是构建具有抵抗能力的系统 失败. 在我们的环境中,我们有过程和dae

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集成逻辑 .NET如何和为什么

A robust logging strategy opens up a world of potential improvements for your .通过应用程序日志记录. 应用程序日志记录提供 有价值的见解. Insight that can only benefit your network application stack 因为你 .Net application is the front line for enhancing your customer’s 经验. Bringing meaning to all the potential information that your .Net应用程序可以 收集是Logentries最擅长的. 词源学使得获取这些信息变得很有价值 信息转化为y

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我没想到我的最后一个帖子 [/2016/03/14/a-point-of-contention-cache-coherence-on-the-jvm/] on JVM perf to be so well received, so I thought I’d carry on digging into why your code does (或不)跑得快! 让我们暂时忘记并发性,而是集中精力 on the executable machine code that the Java Virtual Machine (和 particularly 热点)生成. In Java-l和 it’s pretty common to hear people mention stuff about ‘warmup 《ladbrokes立博官网》,尤其是在一个煽动性的微型电脑的背景下

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In my previous article, How to Ensure Self-Describing Log Data using Log4Net [/2016/04/how-to-ensure-self-describing-log-data-using-log4net/], I showed you a  technique that made structuring your logging information as key-value 和 Log4Net下的JSON更容易实现. 在本文中,我将应用 与NodeJS相同的概念. 我来教你怎么做,这样你就可以 ensure logging uniformity among all the NodeJS developers in your enterprise 几乎不需要额外的努力

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Working in customer support we are usually the first to receive feature 请求、集成请求或建议. 然后我们会把这个传递给 我们的产品团队. But we often get requests that we can tackle ourselves whether 这可能是小的编码任务或帐户更改. 所以当我们听到一个用户 wanted to be able to forward their Logentries alerts to BigP和a.Io,我们做了 这种情况发生. 当出现任何问题时,解决问题的时间很重要. 因为Logentries是流的 您的日志数据是真实的

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Raspberry Pi, Logs 和 IoT - Sending Pi Log 和 Sensor data to Logentries

在上一篇博文中 [/2016/02/iot-made-real-using-ti-sensortag-data-with-logentries/] we learned how to send IoT data from the TI CC 2650 SensorTag to Logentries using Node-Red 和 直接使用Linux. 本博客将展示如何从树莓派发送数据 设备到Logentries [http://logentries.com/centralize-log-data-automatically/?le_trial = raspberry_pi-logentries_blog-post_cta-create_trial&utm_campaign = raspberry_pi&utm_source = logentries_blog&utm_medium = post_cta&utm_content = create_

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Application logging is the software world’s version of archeology. 在运行时, your application lives in a rich, colorful, 3-dimensional world of flowing 渡槽,拥挤的体育馆,熙熙攘攘的街道.   还有更多的事情要做 可能会被捕获. When you’re trying to reproduce 和 correct a reported issue, you play 考古学家. The vibrant, live world is gone, 和 you’re left to piece reality back together using only decorated pots, spearheads, 和 fragments of frescoes. 在另外一些

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将Logentries Javascript库与反应集成

反应.js has proven itself a powerful contender in the world of Javascript 框架. Arguably, it has become one of a h和ful of libraries that all web 开发人员应该考虑当前或即将进行的项目. 了解 it integrates with other libraries in your technology stack is an important part 考虑到这一点. 如果您正在使用或正在考虑使用logentry [http://logentries.com/centralize-log-data-automatically/?le_trial = react-logentries_blog-post_cta-crea